A New Cherry Tomato F1 Hybrid—‘Jianqiang No.2’
WU Hongyu1,SHI Yanwei1,CHEN Bin1,ZHOU Zhihuan1,WANG Qian1,WANG Xianyu2,JING Zihuan3*,YANG Qibao4
1College of Agriculture,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,Guangxi,China;2Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Industry Development Institute,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,Guangxi,China;3Guangxi Agricultural Vocational-Technical University,Nanning 530007,Guangxi,China;4Guangxi Sericulture Technology Promotion Station,Nanning 530007,Guangxi,China
摘要 坚强2号是以高代自交系Tw4-2-5-7-8-8-12-4-4-8-3为母本,以TW-81-7-16-36-7-7-4-3-8-1为父本配制而成的晚熟樱桃番茄一代杂种。无限生长类型,坐果能力强;果实椭圆形,果柄较短,果肉厚、较硬,果形美观整齐,幼果有绿肩,成熟果红色,单果质量18g左右,可溶性固形物含量8.7%,番茄红素含量206.0mg·kg-1,VC含量198.6mg·kg-1;含有番茄黄化曲叶病毒病(TYLCV)抗性基因Ty-2、晚疫病抗性基因Ph-3和烟草花叶病毒病(TMV)抗性基因Tm-2a,抗TYLCV、TMV,耐贮运,每667m2春茬产量3400kg左右,秋茬产量3300kg左右,适宜广西百色等地秋冬季种植。
关键词 :
樱桃番茄 ,
坚强2号 ,
Abstract :‘Jianqiang No.2’is a late-maturing cherry tomato F1 hybrid,which is made up of highgeneration inbred line‘Tw4-2-5-7-8-8-12-4-4-8-3’as female parent and‘TW-81-7-16-36-7-7-4-3-8-1’ as male parent.Its growth is limitless and it has strong fruit setting ability.The fruit is oval,stalk is short,and young fruit has green shoulders.The mature fruit is red,and the weight of single fruit is about 18 g.Its soluble solids content is 8.7%,lycopene content is 206.0 mg · kg-1,VC content is 198.6 mg · kg-1.It contains tomato yellow leaf curl virus(TYLCV)resistance gene Ty-2,late blight resistance gene Ph-3 and tobacco mosaic virus(TMV)resistance gene Tm-2a.It is resistant to TYLCV and TMV.Its yield is about 51.0 t · hm-2 in spring and 49.5 t · hm-2 in autumn,which is suitable for planting in Baise,Guangxi in autumn and winter.
Key words :
cherry tomato
‘Jianqiang No.2’
F1 hybrid
收稿日期: 2023-04-13
基金资助: 广西重点研发计划项目(桂科AB23026077),广西优质本土番茄杂交组合筛选与技术示范项目(XKJ2301),广西特色水果高含量γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)樱桃番茄新品种选育项目(桂科ZY23055021)
作者简介 : 吴宏昱,硕士研究生,专业方向:蔬菜遗传育种,E-mail:1374026990@qq.com
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