KONG Weiliang1,LI Yuhe2,HUANG Hongyu1*,ZHANG Lidong1,LI Jiawang1
1Cucumber Research Institute of Tianjin Kernel Agricultural Science and Technology Co.,Ltd.,State Key Laboratory of Vegetable Germplasm Innovation,Tianjin 300192,China;2Institute of Cucumber Research,Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Tianjin 300192,China
摘要 津优365 是以自交系YL-9-3-7 为母本,以自交系1412-1-7 为父本配制而成的黄瓜一代杂种。植株生长势强,以主蔓结瓜为主;瓜条长棒形、顺直,瓜把短,心腔小,刺瘤均匀,腰瓜长35 cm 左右,单瓜质量220 g 左右,瓜皮深绿色,光泽度好,果肉淡绿色,口感脆甜;抗霜霉病、枯萎病,中抗白粉病、褐斑病,耐低温弱光,越冬日光温室栽培每667 m2产量14 800 kg 左右,耐高温,适应性强,适宜我国华北、东北、西北地区越冬、早春及秋延后日光温室或春秋大棚栽培。
Abstract:‘Jinyou 365’is a new cucumber F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line‘YL-9-3-7’as female parent and inbred line‘1412-1-7’as male parent.The plant has strong growth vigor,and bears fruits mainly on the main stem.The fruit is of long rodlike shape,erect and straight,about 35 cm in length with short neck,small heart chamber and even tumors.The average single fruit weight is about 220 g.The fruit peel is shining dark green and its pulp is light green in color.The fruit tastes sweet and crispy.It is resistant to downy mildew,Fusarium wilt and moderate resistant to powdery mildew,brown spot.It is tolerant to low temperature and weak light.It can yield about 222 t · hm-2 overwinter in solar greenhouse.It is tolerant to high temperature and has strong adaptability.It is suitable for cultivation in overwinter solar greenhouse,early spring and late autumn in north China,northeast China and northwest China.
孔维良,李愚鹤,黄洪宇,张利东,李加旺. 日光温室黄瓜新品种津优365的选育[J]. 中国蔬菜, 2021, 1(8): 104-107.
KONG Weiliang,LI Yuhe,HUANG Hongyu,ZHANG Lidong,LI Jiawang. A New Greenhouse Cucumber F1 Hybrid —‘Jinyou 365’. China Vegetables, 2021, 1(8): 104-107.